10+ Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers (FREE)

Are you are a blogger? Looking for the best WordPress plugins for Bloggers? You are on the right page. I have listed all the Plugins that I personally use which helped me to take my website holdblogging.com to the next level. And that too without any coding knowledge.

But before that you need to install some free Plugins to your website. There are plugins that you must have in your WordPress site like contact form, SEO Plugins and many more.

There are hundreds of plugins available out there to make your website look very professional that will help you to expand your business with very less expense.

What are Plugins?

Plugins are basically a tool to add features to your site without any coding knowledge. The Plugin you download is already coded according to your need to serve the purpose. When you install it through WordPress Dashboard it’s code matches with your website’s CSS code and adds a desired feature to your Website.

Why Use Plugins for your WordPress Blog?

WordPress plugins allows you to customize your blogging website the way you want. You only need to think what you want and Yeah! there is a plugin available for that.

Without adding plugins you will face a lot of problems if you are not from a technical background.

What are the Plugins that I Use?

Let’s Dive into the main topic. And the Best WordPress Plugins for bloggers are Listed below:-

Akismet Anti Spam

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers (FREE)

This plugin is a boon for every blogger using WordPress. As it’s name says Anti spam which means this plugins protects you from spamming in any of your published posts.

It’s main purpose is that it does not allow the comments of anyone directly visible to the public. The comment made on the posts requires your approval. And if you see any spamming you have the option not to approve that comment.

When I started my website Holdblogging.com few years back. At that time I use to receive a lot of spam comments in one of my post that deals with a tutorial on How to create amazon affiliate website.

And this plugin helped me a lot. People with new websites spy on your website and they collect the data about DA and PA of your website and they start creating comment backlinks.

Sorry, If I might have sound a bit technical but this point was important.

Key Feature:

  • All the comments made on your blog post requires your approval
  • Protects your website from link building with illegal sites
  • Comes with a very less size that does not occupy heavy space in your database.


This plugin is a must have if you are a true blogger or any business owner. This plugin helps you to optimize your website speed and brings it at the top. A fast website is need to catch your customers.

Because a reports shows that if your website loads slow then it affects about 30 to 40% customers. They press the back button if your websites loads slowly.

NitroPack allows speeding up your website free of cost. But it charges some money for some of it’s services. The main benefit of having this plugin is that, It is eCommerce compactible. And because of this reason I included this in the list of Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers.

Key Features:

  • Easy interface, makes it easy to setup
  • It minify HTML
  • It provides you amazon CDN
  • No risk of damaging your original site files
  • Cloud Flare Integration

Sassy Social Share

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers (FREE)

Giving your audience an easy sharing option can help you a lot in making your content viral, Your site must have social sharing button. This helps the audience to share your content over Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms.

Sassy Social Share plugin is one of the easiest plugin to customize according to your need. It works very smoothly in WordPress sites. And hence Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers.

After installing this plugin in my blogging website, I observed that audience are sharing my content more than before. I personally suggest you to install this plugin. As it is a very light weighted plugin which loads within no time.

Key Features:

  • Provides you about 100 of Social sharing option
  • Icons are customizable
  • Provides you option for standard and Floating sharing buttons
  • URL shortening service integration
  • Mobile responsive
  • AMP supported


If you are writing an article with lots of images of if you have an image website then you might have suffered from the loading speed of your website. But not anymore!

A free plugin is presented to you that is “Smush” this is one of the best free plugins available for bloggers with paid features. No matter what the size of your image is, It optimizes it and reduces it’s size.

I remember when I started blogging in 2016, there where no such plugins available there use to be a website where I use to upload the images manually one by one and then download it.

That use to be very irritating and time consuming, But after this plugin came it saved my lot of time. And I also wanted to share this with my audience.

Key Feature:

  • Award Winning Image optimizer
  • Automatically optimizes all the images
  • Provides you the feature for BULK SMUSH
  • There is no daily limit and every feature is free of cost

Contact Form 7

If you have given an option in your website to contact the webmaster by just placing your email Id, It may look a bit unprofessional to the user. Contact form 7 gives you an amazing option to create a contact us page through it’s short codes.

The above picture shown is the contact page of Holdbloggin.com and it looks professional. However y0u can place a WhatsApp button in your website but that will be annoying. Many people may just message you to pass there time. Hence Contact form 7 is one of the best WordPress plugin to design your CONTACT US page for Bloggers or any webmaster.

Key Features:

  • Gives you the feature to make a professional contact us page with just placing one line code
  • You directly receives the email in your email box, No need to do extra setting for that
  • Extremely easy, anyone can do this even a beginner.


Yoast is Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers. A blogger can’t imagine his blogging journey without this awesome free plugin (pro version available with more features). If you are an absolute beginner and do not know about SEO then you must have this free amazing WordPress plugin.

Yoast plugin helps you to manage your on-page SEO very easily and it’s super effective. There is a similar plugin called RANK MATH this is also an awesome one. Both the plugins are available for free but if you want more features then you can go for the premium one.

Key Features:

  • Very simple interface with effective result
  • So accurate
  • Available for free
  • One of the best WordPress plugin for bloggers

Tawk.to Live Chat

This plugin might look new to someone but trust me this is Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers and the awesome one. Imagine if you could talk with the visitors, Guess what! Yes, you can chat with your live visitors you just need to install and setup this FREE plugin.

If you are promoting something then with this plugin you can increase your sale by talking to the potential customers. Converting the visitors into your customer becomes easy when you are able to communicate with them.

You can offer them something for free, If you have a good communication skill then you can convert them into your customers.

Key Features:

  • Easy to talk with customers
  • You can connect this with your phone can receive notification of messages directly to it.
  • Absolutely free and best for bloggers and business owners

Revive Old Posts

10 Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers (FREE)

Sharing your content in social media can be the game changer of your blogging journey. Just imagine the number of people using social media in current time. Sharing a single blog post in every social media is a boring job.

Revive Old Posts is a WordPress plugin that allows you to schedule and share your old blog post automatically to all the social media platforms. You can schedule your old and new post by using this plugin. Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

Key Features:

  • Not only blog but you can also share many more things
  • If you have an eCommerce website you can share the product to the customers or in social media
  • Good for social media marketers
  • And also good for hobby bloggers

Fast Velocity Minify

With this plugin you can improve the loading speed of your site. There are many CSS files that are unused and can be removed without any hesitation, This Plugin is mainly made to fulfil that purpose. This plugin is considered as one of the best WordPress plugins for bloggers.

There is a default setting that can remove the CSS files, But the default setting might not match with the CSS file of your site. So to perform your site to it’s best you ca manually check and delete the unused file of your site.

Really Simple SSL

You might have got the idea from it’s name that about what this plugin is, If you haven’t then let me explain you that this is a plugin regarding your SSL certificate.

If you have installed SSL certificate and still facing HTTP issue then this plugin can help you out by making your site into HTTPS instantly.

The best part about this plugin is you only need to install and and activate this plugin and It will move all your HTTP pages to HTTPS, However there are a lot more settings to explore in this plugin that can be so beneficial for your site.

Note: If you are using Hostinger hosting then I personally suggest you to use this plugin.

Key Features:

  • Easy to use
  • Clean interface
  • Permanent solution for a secure website

W3 Total Cache

As we all know that website speed has become one of the most important factor of ranking. Caching can help you a lot with it. If you do not know about caching, then I can explain it to you,

Caching ensures that the content of your website does not effects the website speed. Read more about Caching here

Key Features:

  • Very easy to use
  • You only need to install the plugin and rest it will do for you
  • There are a lots of features available for free


So these where some of the Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers that you must have to make your blogging journey easy. There are a lots of free plugins that you can use and can take your online business to the next level. You do not need to spend money on lots of plugins.

With the help of plugins you can customize your WordPress website the way you want without any coding skills and the best part is that most of them are free. A plugin can provide you a lot more features the only thing is that you should be known about the particular plugin.

So these where some of the best WordPress plugins for bloggers that you should use if you are a blogger like me. Share this with your blogger friends and let them know about these amazing plugins.

BONUS TIP: Plugins are generally a set of code so they make your website heavy and difficult to load. Use only necessary plugins and remove all the unnecessary plugins that are of no use. 


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